Go Green

Here are some points of deforestation overiew.
  1. Visit Your State's Environmental Website - Sites such as : Visit Your State's Environmental Website - Sites such as environmentminnesota.org or texasenvironment.org (each state has a website) have a "Take Action" header, which gives tips on helping your local environment and even petitions to sign.
  2. Make your next event a green one.
    • Just because you want to go green doesn't mean you need to cut back on the good times. Green events still enable you to celebrate and be healthy and environmentally-friendly at the same time
    • You can even Have a Green Wedding!
  3. Take action to reduce global warming.
    • There are many, many things you can do to minimize the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
    • Basically, the less we depend on fossil fuels, the better!
  4. Grow your own food
    • If you have access to some land, maybe you can Practice Sustainable Agriculture.
    • If all you have is a balcony, you can still grow things like beans and peas, tomatoes, and herbs in pots.
    • if all you have is a window, become a guerilla gardener: find a patch of dirt anywhere in your neighborhood and plant stuff there.
    • Whatever you can't grow, support your local farmers and buy it at a farmers' market.
  5. Get around green
    • Consider whether you can Live Without a Car. At first, you might think it's impossible, but there are so many other ways to get around these days.
    • If you can't part with your car, consider buying a hybrid, using biodiesel, and hypermiling.
    • Replace as much of your car use as possible with the following:
    • A bicycle
    • Public transportation
    • Good old walking
    • Carpooling
  6. Watch your water
    • Look for ways to Save Water around the house, and encourage others to do the same.
    • You can also save water outside the house with a sleeping lawn or by xeriscaping.
    • In addition to using less water, take steps towards keeping the water we already have nice and clean: How to Reduce Water Pollution.
    • If there are any leaks in the faucet, fix them immediately.
  7. Reduce, reuse, and recycle
    • In a consumerist society, it can be difficult go for even a day without buying anything.
    • When you do buy stuff, try to make sure it's stuff that will last a long time and can serve multiple purposes; avoid buying disposable items when possible.
    • Also, consider the "greenness" of the company that made it! Before throwing anything away, try to find creative ways to reuse it.
    • You'd be surprised what you can do with old Altoids tins, socks, plastic bags, plastic bottles, and, well, everything.
  8. Green your closet
    • You can certainly be green without wearing green. The first rule is to never throw clothing away; always donate it to a charitable organization so it can be reused by someone else.
    • But before you even part with a garment, try to think of ways you can revamp it and give it a little extra mileage.
    • There are more than 20 ways you can give a t-shirt a makeover.
    • A pair of pants can easily become a purse.
  9. Enjoy the outdoors
    • Communing with nature is more resource-friendly than going to the movies or restaurant or mall.
    • Instead of traveling with an RV, why don't you Go Canoe Camping? Instead of getting McDonald's or Wendy's, why don't you find nature's munchies? Instead of staying at a hotel, why don't you pitch a tent or a hammock?
  10. Green your home
    • Consider downsizing your home so you have less space to heat or cool and less room to fill up with stuff you really don't need.
    • If you want to be extra green, Start Living in a Tiny House, Camp As a Lifestyle, or Live in Your Car!
  11. Remember the 4 R's- Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
    • Reduce the amount of waste you use! Bring your own shopping bag, use a reusable water bottle, and invest in a good mechanical pencil!
    • Reuse waste! Could that can make a good pencil holder? Or maybe that bag could be used for Bowser's "presents"?
    • Recycle! If you are fortunate enough to have a recycling program in your area, recycle! It will get used again!